Folkestone Junior Athletics Club
Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct for Athletes
As a member of FJAC it is important that you enjoy your time with the club and have every opportunity to reach your full potential. This applies equally to all your fellow athletes and to help achieve this you are expected to follow our code of conduct:
1. All members must abide by UK Athletics rules and respect officials and their decisions.
2. All members must treat their fellow athletes with the same respect that they would wish for themselves.
3. Members must conduct themselves properly at all times and not bully, embarrass or intimidate fellow athletes either physically, verbally, mentally or through any form of social media such as text, Facebook, twitter or other social networking sites.
4. Members should keep to agreed timings for training and competitions and inform their coach or team manager if they are going to be late.
5. Members must wear suitable kit for training and, when competing in the name of the club, must wear the official club competition uniform.
6. Have fun!!!
Code of Conduct for Coaches, Team Managers and Officials
Coaches, team managers and other club officials have a special responsibility to uphold the good reputation and regulations of the club and to set good examples to the athletes and their parents, as follows:
1. Create a safe, fun and productive athletic environment and promote the positive aspects of athletics (such as fair play).
2. Develop appropriate working relationships with athletes, club colleagues and parents, based on mutual trust and respect.
3. Make sure all activities are appropriate to the ages, abilities and experience of those taking part.
4. Treat all athletes equally and value their worth and contributions.
5. Display consistently high standards of behavior and appearance.
6. Encourage athletes to value their performances and not just results.
7. Encourage and guide athletes to accept responsibility for their own performances and behavior.