Folkestone Junior Athletics Club
New Term Starts:
Tuesday 16th and Thursday 18th April
Please also note
The younger group will remain at the session start time of 6pm
Welcome to FJAC!
The Folkestone Juniors has been rapidly growing over the years due to popular demand for athletics in Folkestone and the surrounding areas. Dedicated club coaches have the main aim to support the children of the club to achieve their goals.
The Folkestone Junior Athletics cater for Primary School (Year 1) and Secondary School children using different levels of coaching to support each childs growth. We practice all track and field, sportshall and crosscountry events year round both outside and in weather dependent.
We have regular competitions throughout the year. We put together teams of all abilities and ages to give children the chance to experience a friendly competition environment. They can use their skills they have learnt at training to try and achieve personal bests.
We are in partnership with Folkestone Running Club.